May 29, 2013

It is a common norm to see players with a vast amount of ego in any online gaming platform. Since my entry to Wonderland Online (WLO), I met a number of them and suffice to say, everyone is really entitled to a few brags here and there. The big question will solely lies on how one bragged about certain things. There is so many wonderful things in my life that I can brag out, but nothing much to brag when it comes to WLO game.

My characters are only high levels. Thanks to my inherent training freak. Other than that, my characters are still going through a lot of upgrades. Diamonds, strong scrolls, forgery, and IM food for my human pets. At this point in my WLO life, I don't deemed it important anymore whether I have a high MATK / ATK, have the fastest speed or have a deadly human pets. So long I can kill a fly, I'm all good. And that's what mattered to me the most.

Some bragged about being number 1 at BOB event
Much to my dismay, I really do not  know what "BOB" stand for until now. A dig on the net gave me the meaning "Best Of the Best," and "Band of Bothers." On a side note, some funny one I discovered was "Best Online Buddy," and "Battery Operated Buddy." In layman's terms, a BOB also means PK or "player's kill." Back in the old days, PK event was always crowded and there was drama all around that never failed to enlighten the other players in attendance.

Nowadays, PK event is changing its tune. There was a widely inflated egos around and majority of the players who joined at Taurus server cheated their way to have the best of everything. From the character's equipments and weapon down to their human pets. The recent duping chaos paved the way for this players to maximize all their gears. Unfortunately, no matter how we tried to cry foul for the unfairness of it all, there is nary one thing we can do about it.

It was amusing how these same set of players is competing with each other. A few of them resort to using duped items they got and even selling their extra duped ones for IM points. Some resort to hacking friend's account to get all the IMs and capsules to feed to their riding pets. A few even threatened their competitors by dropping a mail and warning them of possible hack. All they care about is dominating the land of PK.

Bragging about being number 1 in PK isn't bad at all. However, a lot of them forget about the spirit of sportsmanship and instead, begin to take things personally. Their obsession leads them to become destructive and anyone stepping on their path is as good as having their accounts put into a compromising situation. Gone were the days when we can all still enjoy a healthy PK event.

Some bragged about having a maximized superior alchemy
It took me 2 years to reach a decent superior alchemy level 24. Thanks to Tali. She encouraged me to try my hands on alchemy when I was a newbie and it proves to be my lifeblood in the game. Nowadays, no matter how many times I compounded, my alchemy level is too stubborn to even move an inch. But as an alchemist, I know that it will be futile to have a maxed superior alchemy.

Alchemy is such a confusing science. It doesn't care whether you have a maxed superior or not. Any levels will do so long you have luck on your side. I lost count of the number of common stones I got. As always, being an alchemist is a gamble. I admire the alchemist who worked their way to have high level of superior alchemy.

Nevertheless, with the existence of a bot program that will help you level up your alchemy, more and more players chose to use this program. In my honest opinion, I couldn't blame this players for using it as it was really bloody to level up our alchemy. But I don't find it admirable if someone bragged about it like the person in the screenshot above.

It took him only a week time to reach maxed superior level and denied using any bot program. Any 5 years old will figured out he botted his alchemy and he was such a weak-minded guy he think he can fool anyone. His ego got so inflated he have to post it and show to the whole Taurus community. Sad to say, no one was amused. Only the simpleton will extend their felicitation to player like Vinicius Silva Wlo.

Some bragged about how much IM points they can buy
I blogged about a certain Fawaz during the early days of my FedBook blog. A perfect example of a gay ...*ahem*... a guy who never failed to brag about how his daddy will buy him 10K, 15K, 20K IM points. Just when I thought I had seen the worst, there were a lot more sprouting around nowadays. Having a lot of IM points is enviable but certainly not a reason to brag about it.

Players are easily lured to this kind of mallers. They will ask for a friend's request and start on a friendly chatters and eventually, ask for free IM stuff. Whether the maller is of good or bad seed, nobody cares so long they will be able to grab their hands on the things they want. Anyone who read "The Queen of Swindler" will understand my point. 

It is nobody's business how much IM points we have. But majority of this mallers are using it as a way to buy friendships in the game. When things get difficult, these mallers will realize not a single friend will come to their aid. In real or reel, friendships is hard to acquire. A huge amount of IM points will never give you permanent friendships. I'm talking about the sincere one. Not the pretentious players that is spreading around our server. 

To what extent should we brag is anyone's perspectives. WLO is simply a game and anyone can keep bragging on and on. By the end of the day, everyone will forget about who dominate in PK, who have superior maxed alchemy or who have a huge amount of IM points. I could certainly stand a few brags but not at the point, where inflated ego is injected. You brag once, and that is enough. There's no need to repeatedly brag about anything. So what things can you brag about? Until then, have fun and enjoy!