Sep 30, 2011

Oasis insignia created by Sheer

Oasis wasn't a name I snatched out from thin air. It was a tentacle from my old blog, Oasis of Charms.  The concept was to house all my characters in one receptacle. Initially, my plan was to make it a private guild. But a lot of the members from the old defunct guild I came from asked to be a part of Oasis. I simply didn't have the heart to refuse them. Hence, it was to be the beginning of doomsday for Oasis.

I was astonished to discover not one members understood the meaning of Oasis. By definition, it is a stretch of a green fertile land. Literally, it means a haven. One member even candidly said it meant a kind of juice. Another one mentioned I must be a big fan of the British band, Oasis.

I'm one of the miniscule group of people who didn't create a guild for the sake of having a guild. It was a guild that was filled with an endless visions I hope to bring to fruition. However, sad it may be, it takes more than a leader to make a successful guild. I am only one girl and I can't do so much at one go.

Oasis underwent a metamorphosis of ups and downs. It was many months of frustrations on my part. It was basically no one's fault. My mistake was putting too much expectations from my members. Majority of them doesn't share the same level of passion as I did. I only wanted them to be more involved, to be more socially adept with the game and to be more accessible in helping each others. 'Till this day, I hadn't found anyone who will play the game on the same wavelength as mine. There used to be one, but he was no longer in the game.

A member once accused me of being opinionated. I guess with me being loquacious and all, he branded me as such. I didn't take the offensive on his remarks. He told me he was a laid back guy. While everyone was gearing toward version 4, he was still living in the old version 2. If you wanna be the best in the game, you need to learn to adapt a fast paced style in playing the game. Else, you will be left behind.

A couple of a members seems to have a certain affinity for creating new characters every single day. To date, the wife have over 100+ characters and the husband have 60+ of his own. I know I shouldn't make a fuzz of it. It was their way of enjoying the game I supposed. But the one who suffered the most in dealing with their monstrosity of characters was me. They kept seeking me for help in questing. How many more DS, JS and FB should I do for them...all completely for free. The worst part was the wife who loves to copy all my characters. From the character's built down to my usernames.

A vice member who impulsively walked his alts out of the guild because of my repulsion with his love for all things, PK. Time and again, I told him that PK was fine so long he knew how to handle the matter on his own without ruining the reputation of Oasis. When a stranger suddenly crept out of nowhere and hurled insult on you because this vice was PKing them, the course of action will be dropping him a mail to give him a head up on what was happening. But this vice reacted otherwise. He chose to create a guild of his own exclusive for PK lovers.

And yet another vice who charged the members for questing, who preferred to do quest with his friends outside of the guild and who secretly wanna out beat me. It was sad to see that my vice likes to see me as his competitor rather than as a comrade. He have yet a lot to learn. He have friends to help him train his characters as well as do quest with him. I don't think he will ever surpassed me. I worked from scratched all on my own.

Being the leader of Oasis, I was always on hand to talk with my members. Looking after their welfare, playing their mother hen and helping them with anything from compounding armors, from item mall stuffs, from item mall points and from questing. Not a single time did I ever asked for anything in return. Don't I deserve to be treated fairly and with respect?

There was a time when I asked my members to help me in my first tryst in Fatal Blow quest. I wasn't confident enough yet to cover entirely all 6 battles on my own. One member said "good luck," another one said "I am too weak," and the third one kept quiet.It was depressing to see a guild with so many high level members and yet not one was willing to extend a helping hand.

My pride took over and I set sail to do Fatal Blow on my own without any outside help and without jumpers. It wasn't an easy feat. I went through tortures and frustrations almost to the point of suicide in facing each battles. But my inherent determination kept me going. Imagine my state of euphoria when my team finally did it. It was a total bliss. I secretly felt like a pro and privately enjoying and congratulating my achievement.

After that first tryst, my members began to subtly hinted that they also like to do Fatal Blow. I shouldn't mind them really. I should just charged them all according to the market rates. But I didn't. I foolishly helped them all still. It was too painful to recall everything. For when I needed someone, not a soul was present.

When Oasis was about to enter its first birthday, I was all hyped up and put an announcement for a guild's event coupled with many rewards waiting on hand to the winners. To my dismay, no one was alive to join me in celebration. I even made a special banner for it.

Amiss the miasma surrounding my guild, I still withstood all the pains and persevered in putting my guild on the spotlight. I am the leader of Oasis, thus I should act like one, talk like one and if its possible, smell like one. After all this happenstance, I still had some good and happy memories with my members. I just happened to be so head on to plunge right away deep down into the game. Perhaps, no one will ever understand me. If I want something, I go for the whole package. I will not be content with a bit or a piece of it only.

Once upon a time, I was the naive girl who wish to share a dream with anyone but no more. I grew up...and needless to say, painfully. My motivation is currently on its lowest and I do not know when to regain my love for the game nor the guild itself.

I still wish all my members a life long of happiness and love.

"I need to be myself, I can't be no one else...unknown"