Mar 20, 2013
This is a follow-up from my previous blog: The Queen of Swindler.  I'd been deliberating whether I should pull down that particular blog or not.  However, this blog is related to the previous one so I decided to let it stay for good.

Some people have the innate ability to be able to take the simplest things and give you every little details and nuances that will help us arrive at a fair conclusion. If such was the case between JenQ and Queen, then this will tremendously save everyone's times and troubles.

My short trip to the Live Support (LS) finally gave me all the answers in which JenQ and Queen weren't able to provide well. It was such a simple case that there was no need to expend so much time conjecturing on it. What was presented to me from both parties were all black and white. Everything was vague and nothing conclusive.

For days, we've been interrogating Queen about the issue. There were some discrepancy in her reply that she couldn't blame anyone for thinking otherwise. When asked about the Paypal account she used, she claimed she can't remember which one of her many Paypal accounts she used. A screenshot from the LS showed that Queen only use ONE Paypal account from her numerous transactions dated from February 27 up to March 2, 2013. This is her first lie. For safety concern, the screenshot will be kept as confidential.

LS also confirmed that Queen had discussed the matter with them. Instead of giving light to what really transpired, Queen was inconsistent and evasive with her conversation with JenQ. The screenshot from LS alone revealed the reason why JenQ's account was affected. I am the outsider from this ongoing spectacle and yet LS showed me the answer.  How could she claimed, then, that LS didn't state their reason? This is her second lie.

The screenshot showed a total of 8 transactions. February 27 generated 7 transactions that went to Queen's account. Only 1 transaction was visible on March 2 which was credited to JenQ. All 8 transactions were made using one Paypal account that amounted to US$2145.00. When Queen's grandmother filed a dispute on the belief that her Paypal account was hacked, this left IGG no choice but to refund the money.

By all counts, JenQ and Queen should both be suspended. I asked LS for clarification as to why they only suspended JenQ's account. The answer is very simple. Queen is a VIP star while JenQ have no star to keep her on the limelight. For someone who never spend points on the game, this is very frustrating. The privilege one will always be given the red carpet I'm afraid.

It is no wonder why IGG was grilling all the fault on JenQ's account. No one can resolve this matter other than Queen herself. Initially, I tried to make a deal with IGG to dissolve all 10K points from JenQ's account but to no avail. A dispute was filed, money was refunded and this was a blow to IGG's part. They are adamant to the end. "Pay back and we will return your account."

I tried to strike another deal with them. Since JenQ only received the 10K points (US$550.00), I am hoping that IGG will be more lenient and allowed us to repay US$550.00 instead of the whole US$2145.00. There was no confirmation yet at the moment whether  IGG will reconsider my request or not.

After reading my previous blog, Queen noted me that she wasn't 14 years old. She doesn't "appreciate" (her word) what I blog about her.  After all this fiasco, I am not surprised that she goes around lying to others of her age.  She lied too many times that anyone will step back and start thinking she also lied about her real life drama.

I didn't put up "The Queen of Swindler" to show appreciation to her. It was intended to expose her and serve as a warning to other players. No one is amused by what she did. If Queen had been very clear and straight forward from the beginning, no accusation will be hurled unto her.

As for you Queen, I suggest you start pulling yourself together and do the right thing. All along, you knew all the happenstance and yet you kept evading the truth from JenQ. You accused me of using all your conversation with JenQ against you. Why don't you scroll down and check my convo with LS. Everything was presented clearly. Not just black. Not just white. 

You let the matter dredge on too long and aren't doing anything to resolve the matter. All you need to do is to give everyone one honest, straight answer: Will you be able to repay back or not? Why do you need to wait for your grandmother to take a shower or sleep before you can do something? I even had to make a lie of my own about pooling out the US$550.00 from among friends just to salvage JenQ's account. Thanks to you. 

For JenQ, stop being too trusting and being too soft with others. No matter how many days, months or years you knew a certain player, you will never know their true colors. One short mail from Queen and you easily jumped on her offer without checking first on her credibility. 

I am not going to apologize to Queen for what I posted. I only blog all the facts that was presented to me which everyone can see from all the screenshots provided. After all, I am just a little girl who thinks Champagne taste yucky.

Here's my very enlightening conversation with LS. Enjoy :)

* Screenshot is heavily edited. Queen other alts inlcude EmoPhai / Novi / MysMay *

** Apparently, Sage cohort (Destro or Kyle or whoever is this coyote) decided to go all emo and use his ego to *speak up.* He defended his Queen all the way and told JenQ that everyone lost something and that he can just create new chars (lol!). I suggest this cohort better nailed his brain and think again of what JenQ is seeking for. This isn't about the game nor the character lost itself. This is about how the lovely Sage treated the whole drama with indifference. On the contrary,  he didn't *speak up,* He simply talk crap that doesn't make any sense at all. The fact that he sided with the Queen only affirmed to all concern the kind of a person he is. Get a life...boyo. I am going to stress this again. I hope Sage and everyone siding with her will never experience what karma can do for all of you. What goes around, comes around... **

** Thanks for the correction Sage but then nobody cares who Destro nor Kyle is. You don't have the balls enough to admit your mistake and yet, kept taunting JenQ about his lost account. You and your Destro better learn how to SPEAK UP! **