Feb 22, 2012

In the miniscule world of Wonderland Online, friendship is finite. It is seldom to see friendships that went beyond the game. I personally do not know much of the players at Taurus. Most of my association were restricted to within my guild and the people who stepped in my shop. I could classify most of them as my WLO friends and what we normally do were casual talks. 

One of my biggest flaw is being too sensitive when it comes to matter of friendships. I am not ashame for this admission as it is something that help me to safeguard myself from getting acquainted with the wrong one. Despite being cautious, I still couldn't immune myself from getting hurt, getting back stabbed and getting lied to. 

One such instance was Sandinista. We used to belong to the defunct vuuurliegjes guild. For reason that I couldn't begin to fathom, she kept leaving then coming back to the guild. Her actions didn't go unnoticed by our leader and the members. According to our leader, she met Sandinista from an old game they used to play. I knew our leader had a talk with her but despite all her excuses, she did left the guild for good. A little parrot whisper to me that someone was feeding her a lot of item mall stuff and this prompted her to join that someone's guild. 

It was the height of the WLO's fiasco when duplicating of items were leaked out and the guy were able to duplicate as much as he can. Unbeknownst to Sandinista, he gave the duped items to her and she naively told me that the guy was rich. She also callously left my guild later on without a word or reason and this made me realize how much it hurt for our leader to see her friend leaving her guild. No matter what angle I look at, Sandinista is not one who could be a good friend. Betrayal is not something we can lightly accept. 

Another instance was Kullik. He used to be the vice leader of the same, old guild and was pretty much actively participating in guild's quest or chatting with us every day. Out of the blue, he suddenly disappeared for an indefinite time. Weeks went by and our leader and the members were getting concerned. I decided to drop a message at his wife's facebook and this lured him to come to the game and casually explained his where about. 

After a while, he was offline again and we stopped asking about him. He did it the 3rd time and everyone forgot about him. We all knew he have a wife and responsibility to deal with. Our leader voiced out that it will be nice if he can spare 5 minutes of his time once in a while to come online and say hi and hello. Kullik told me that this is just a game. Does that also means we are just some faceless, cyber things that he can easily forgot too?

In both instances, neither can I consider them both as a friend nor a foe. That is the way they are. They deemed WLO as a form of hobby. No harm feelings. After the game concluded, everyone simply moves on and forget each other's existence. Nevertheless, what Kullik did was relatively small compared to some I knew who rightly lied to me about certain things. The biggest foe are the one whom you least expected to betray you yet it happened. 

I am, by no means, an angel in the game. I also made a lot of bad choices and mistakes even acquiring a few enemies of my own. In my experience, friends or foes, we just deal with them in stride and mind our own business. No need for other things like sharing or socializing. Those days were gone. And so the mantra goes on, "This is just a game."

Nowadays, everyone is playing a different ball game. Majority only cared for how they look or to strut on their armors. Never mind that some of them will hurt people just so they can get what they want. Again, this is just a game. So to which category do you belong? Are you a friend or a foe? No one likes to know. Enjoy :)