Jan 19, 2012

One of the most evocative expression being used at Wonderland Online are the swear words. Coming from a family who abhorred swearing, cursing or the current slang "cussing," I am not one who could inject profanity every time I open my mouth. "A lady should not curse," "A lady should talk gracefully," "A lady should remain composed even in the most heated moments" were some of the things that was instilled in my system during my growing up period.

When I first stepped into the cyber world, I went through a period of "culture shock," seeing how the young ones could swore like a pro. I was that ignorant. I slowly ad lib myself and look through all these swearing in another perspective. Some swear in jest, some swear while having a cup of coffee and some swear when an argument arises.

Having been subjected to cursing by 2 persons a few months back, I ended up totally drained with their ceaseless malediction being hurled unto my face. It was a very unpleasant altercation and I do not know which one affected me the most, their words or the cursing. The incident reduced me to a bundle of nerves that took me days to straighten my frazzled nerves.

In the world of Wonderland, one could easily get in jibe with picking some swear words by turning on the world chat and stay at server one. What could be a normal conversation would sometimes lead to a debacle ensuing sparks of colorful curses flying all around us. If you want to curse in a more sophisticated way, you could grabbed hold a loudspeaker and swear for all the world to see.

Being on WLO for the last 3 years, I could see a tremendous changes in the way people cursed. It gets more and more obscene even to the point of blasphemy. Unfortunately, the rampant usage of the cursing effected a lot of the players. It was like a virus that captured the players and lead them to start emulating their ways of cursing.

I'd personally witnessed some guild members of mine who started to pick up swear words. But never in my guild. One of my golden rule: "no swearing within my guild." If they wish to curse, that is their prerogative. Not my business.

From an outside point of view, uttering a series of flat and commonplace vulgarities doesn't make any sense at all. It fail to solace themselves nor to inspire others. Nevertheless, I wasn't a saint to be able to immunize myself from learning those swear words. But going through years and years of listening to my family's diatribe against cursing, I  am not gonna start to be like one. I could, however, do it in style.
Feddie's book of swearing:
1. what the fuck = what the cheese
2. you're a piece of shit = you're a piece of chicken
3. fuck you = crop you
4. mother fucker = mother goose
5. go fuck with your mother = go chat with your mother
6. eat your shit = eat your shoes
7. shut the fuck up = shut the door up

* I didn't include asshole, dickhead and such as they transcend the lowliest cuss words. The mention of "mother" or any other family members implicates a disrespect for the elderly. Albeit they are the most widely used at WLO.*
For an encore, if you wish to enhance your swearing furthermore, here is a masterpiece that will relegate you to being the master of swearing. Enjoy! :)
 "I want to look him straight in the eye, and I want to tell him what a cheap, lying, no-good, rotten, four-flushing, low-life, snake-licking, dirt-eating, inbred, overstuffed, ignorant, blood-sucking, dog-kissing, brainless, dickless, hopeless, heartless, fat-***, bug-eyed, stiff-legged, spotty-lipped, worm-headed sack of monkey sh*t he is! Hallelujah! Holy sh*t! Where's the Tylenol?"