Nov 19, 2011

For as long I can remember, Facebook has been around the net that I never bothered to take a second look. Anything that scream "social networking" is a total turned off for me. I shunned away from such online platform simply because I am very a privy girl.

But hold on, I did have a Facebook account, right? It was Samantha (known as Fern at WLO) who encouraged me to register. Curiosity piqued me as I want to see what was the craze that the people were so fond of Facebook. I went on to sign up and even created my own group called "Oasis."

Way before I joined the Facebook bandwagon, a lot of the WLO players has been asking for my account name. Majority of them aren't really interested in who I am. They only want to see the girl behind Federica. A point for me here as they will all end up disappointed. My wall is devoid of any personal photos. What they will see are a folder with about 7 or 8 chibi arts of Federica...and I shall let it stay that way.

There is really no need for me to further explain my choice of keeping things in an impersonal level. What goes on with my real life is mine to keep. One thing people should remember about me, I am not expressive where my personal life is concern. I am content to stay in one corner and observed my surroundings. For WLO, I chose to live the life of my shadow.

A few days after I signed up on Facebook, I grudgingly obliged some Oasis member's request to plaster my photo. I posted one old photo of mine as I had explained to them my flash drive that contain all my photos was infected with virus. And here comes the delicious part. A guy named "Michael Mingarine" or better known as "pacute" at WLO wasn't content with my photo. He wanted me to post a bigger close up picture even specifying the resolution needed.

This is a perfect example of a true pervert to the core. By what right does he have to demand such things? He was just another guy under my guild that I kicked out for good.  Same goes for other guys who questioned about my seemingly lack of real photos on my wall. Well people...I didn't create Facebook just so I can threw in my whole life of photographs for anyone's inspections. Nor did I joined Facebook to use it as a dating service. 

To date, I have a total of 47 "friends" at Facebook and all these are people I knew first hand on WLO. I don't happen to fantasize winning the 1000+ number of friends at Facebook. o.0  I don't know about you or the others, but it doesn't make any sense to keep collecting friends when you do not even know them all.  I supposed one of Facebook's highlight is to collect and collect. 

Of my 47 friends, I didn't take my time to check their photos. Just one photo is enough for me and somehow it makes things a profundity knowing how the other party you were talking to suddenly have a face. But it is only a face that identified you. What mattered most was what really is beneath that face. You don't need to be a pretty girl or a good looking boy to gain my friendship. I accept all forms and shapes, even warts and all the jazz.

I never ask for anyone to show me how they look like. I'm all good just talking to them and at the same time deciphering the kind of person they are. Intuition is my middle name and I'm very good with it. Whats the use of a pretty face if you have a rotten attitude? We all joined Facebook for various reasons. It can be a good opportunity for you to weigh in the people you associated with.

Facebook or not, life goes on. I set the boundary in sharing my real life to a chosen few and my reel life to online activity. I used to be this little charming bunny on the first forum I joined and became Federica at WLO as well as on Facebook. Somehow, I am appeased just being personified that way. There is really no right or wrong way on how one wishes to interact through the cyber world. However, it is always good to be on guard to whomever you are dealing with. If you are confident enough to share more than what you want, then by all means, do it.